Welcome to City of Playford's Engagement Hub!

City of Playford is committed to meaningful conversations with our community to support Council decision making. We have set up this page for you to keep you up to date and get involved on a range of Council projects, plans and policies.

While you're here, we invite you to join our online community to stay connected and share your ideas and feedback on the Council projects that matter to you.

 To make this website easier and more accessible for you to use, please select the 'User Way'  icon on the top left of this page. 

Open - Contribute your ideas, submit your feedback and share your views

Draft Community Engagement Policy & Procedure Review

Community engagement is important to Council in connecting with the community to help shape and test ideas and support decision making. We are seeking your valuable feedback and support on the proposed changes to our Draft Community Engagement Policy and Procedure to ensure it meets the needs and aspirations of our community.
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Closed Projects - Take a look at reports and/or outcomes on projects that are now finalised

City of Playford Business Survey 2024

In 2024 we heard from businesses and start-ups, and their experiences working and doing business in our city. Thank you to everyone who took part - we look forward to sharing the results soon!
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Proposed Sportsgrounds Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) and Shared Use Agreement Term - Riverlea Park

Consultation is now closed. Council is seeking the views of the community on a proposed addition to the Sportsgrounds CLMP and to potentially develop a Shared Use Agreement (SUA) between Council and Catholic Education South Australia on community land located within the Riverlea Park Development.
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Representation Review

Consultation is now closed. Thank you for your feedback. The City of Playford is inviting residents to help shape Council’s future composition, with community engagement open as part of its 2024 Representation Review.
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Playford Community Survey 2024

The City of Playford's annual Community Survey is an important part of how we listen to and engage with our community to understand your experiences. Our 2024 survey had over 1,200 people participate and the results are now in!
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Gloaming Reserve Hillbank Upgrade

Consultation is now closed. Thank you for your feedback. We’re planning an upgrade to this reserve and we want our Hillbank Community to help design it.
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2024-25 Draft Business Plans

Our Draft Annual Business Plans outline how we'll support our diverse and growing community including delivering 25 services made up of over 200 different activities and investing in new projects and services you have asked us for. Consultation is now closed.
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Your Strategic Plan 2025 - 2028

One of the most powerful ways you can shape the future of Playford is by helping us develop our strategic plan. The current phase of our strategic plan is coming to an end, and we want you to be part of the conversation about what comes next. There are lots of exciting ways to get involved. Click on the project page to find out more!
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Proposed Virginia Oval Entrance Upgrade

As Virginia continues to grow, community members have approached Council with concerns about the access restrictions associated with this entrance, which is currently single-laned. In order to improve...
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Proposal - Amplitel Community Land Lease Renewal

We’re consulting the community about a proposal to extend a community land lease to Amplitel (partnership with Telstra) for a duration of 20 years.  
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Update to Council's By-Laws - Amending By-Law

There are some updates to Council’s by-laws. The State Government’s Legislative Review Committee (LRC) requested Council make some language changes to its by-laws. We have done this through a draft Amending By-Law which can be viewed on this page.
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Virgo Street Reserve, Elizabeth South Upgrade

We are excited Virgo Street reserve has been selected for an upgrade, but we need our Elizabeth South community to help design it!
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Playford Community Survey 2023

At City of Playford, we have a strong commitment to listen to and engage with our community to help us understand your Playford experiences. Our 2023 survey had an amazing response of over 1,400 people who live in or visit Playford. Click through to read the results!
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Revocation of Classification as Community Land

Council is proposing to revocate a section of land which is located on the northern side of Davoren Road, currently utilised as a drainage reserve (Allotment Piece 1003 Davoren Road, Smithfield Plains...
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By-Laws Review

The City of Playford is inviting community feedback on its by-laws, including a proposed new Waste Management By-Law.
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Barrow Crescent Reserve, Elizabeth Vale Upgrade

We are excited Barrow Crescent reserve has been selected for an upgrade, but we need our Elizabeth Vale community to help design it!
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Update of Community Land Management Plans (CLMPs)

City of Playford is conducting public consultation on its periodic update of the Community Land Management Plans (CLMPs) as required by the Local Government Act (1999).
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Open Space Guidelines and Strategy - Finalised

Council has prepared an Open Space Strategy and Open Space Guidelines to help guide the development and management of open space in Playford. The documents have been informed by a number of inputs in...
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Proposed Enforcement Policy 2023

Council invites you to share your views on its proposed Enforcement Policy and accompanying procedures. The Enforcement Policy is in place to act as the overarching policy outlining Council's pos...
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Sports Facility Strategy

Council is preparing a new Sports Facility Strategy – a long-term planning document that identifies facility requirements for sport in Playford and provides guidance on how to best respond to changes in sport in our community. To develop the strategy, we are asking what you think is important when it comes to sports facilities in Playford.
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Code of Practice - Public Access to Meetings and Meeting documents

The City of Playford has endorsed a proposed Code of Practice - Access to Council Meetings and Meeting Documents for the purpose of consultation. You are invited to share your thoughts on the reviewed...
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Draft Stormwater Management Plans

The City of Playford developed three draft regional Stormwater Management Plans for the Smith Creek Catchment, Adams Creek and Helps Road Drain Catchment and Greater Edinburgh Parks and St Kilda Catchment.
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McGilp Recreation Park - View the Master Plan

An upgrade of McGilp Recreation Park has been part of Council’s planning for more than ten years. The local community, including sporting groups, have told us what they’d like to see in a...
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Dwight Reserve North Upgrade

Dwight Reserve North is getting a facelift, jump in and provide your feedback on what you think it should look and feel like.
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Blakeview Traffic Study

As part of Council’s ongoing commitment to safety and accessibility in City of Playford, an area of Blakeview has been selected for a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study. The study will i...
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Playford Health Precinct - Development Plan Amendment (DPA)

Consultation is now closed. Thank you for your input and feedback. The Playford Health Precinct Development Plan Amendment (DPA) proposes to establish additional areas surrounding the Lyell McEwin Hos...
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