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In 2021, we introduced our Community Engagement Policy & Procedure to guide how we connect and involve you in decision-making.
Since then, we have learned a lot about what works and how different parts of our community prefer to give feedback, because every community is unique!
It's now time to check in and make sure we are still on the right track - and we want to hear from you.
Consultation is open Friday 14 March - Thursday 5pm 10 April 2025.
What we are seeking your feedback on
We are seeking your valuable feedback and support on the proposed changes to our Draft Community Engagement Policy and Procedure to ensure it meets the needs and aspirations of our community.
An overview of these changes is below, and more detail can be found in the 'Document Library' section on this page. The Document Library includes both the updated draft documents—one without marked changes and one highlighting the following changes—and we invite you to share your feedback on these changes via our online survey.
What happens after consultation?
Once consultation is closed, community feedback will be collated into a 'What We Heard Report' for Council to consider when finalising the Draft Policy and Procedure.
Overview of changes to the Draft Policy and Procedure
At the heart of these updates is our goal to make it easier, clearer, and more meaningful for you to be involved. The original Policy and Procedure worked well, but these updates refine and simplify it to them even better.
1. Stronger Partnerships
2. Updated Framework References
3. Accountability
4. Simpler Definitions
'Community engagement' and 'public consultation' are distinct but often confused:
5. Roles and Responsibilities
6. Staying Up-to-Date
What is community engagement?
Community engagement is a two-way interaction that aims to build relationships, share information, and gather input to ensure that the communities perspectives and needs are considered in the decision making process.
Community engagement plays a key role in shaping decisions, it is part of a broader process that considers input from other stakeholders, compliance with legislative requirements, and various important factors.
Why community engagement is important for Council?
Our community has clearly told us they want more opportunities to connect with us and each other, and have their ideas and experiences understood and listened to.
We recognises the role of community engagement in helping to shape and test ideas and support decision making, leading to stronger outcomes (services, infrastructure, planning and programs) for the community. Its aim is to build effective relationships with the community and foster a sense of shared decision ownership in decision making.
When do we use community engagement?
Over the last few years, we have engaged our community on many different initatives that have shaped our city, including:
📋 Strategic Plan 2025–28: One of the most powerful ways you can shape the future of the city is by helping us develop our Strategic Plan - which a whopping 790 of you did! Together, we are setting priorities for the city's future for the next 5 years.
🌳 Reserve Upgrades: Together, we are creating safe, functional, and enjoyable spaces. We have engaged with our community on parks such as Peerless, Virgo and Barrow Reserves - and had a blast doing it!
📈 Annual Business Plans: These plans outline how we'll support our diverse and growing community including delivering 25 services made up of over 200 activities and investing in new projects and services you have asked for.
📜 City Governance: Reflecting your values and needs are important when updating things like important policies, reviewing the Council's ward structure and Councillor composition through the Representation Review and refining our By-laws.
The team at Council engaging the community on Council's next Strategic Plan in April 2024.
We’d love to hear from you!
Have these changes hit the mark? Is there anything we’ve missed? Let us know—we’re listening.
Consultation open until Thursday 5pm, 10 April 2025
Share your views by:
If you would prefer to chat with the Community Engagement Officer, Roxanne, please contact us on 8256 0333 or
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Review the documents in the 'Document Library' and share your feedback below.
During recent conversations with our community, you told us that a sense of belonging comes from having a voice—being heard, included, and able to contribute to community decisions. When people feel valued, represented, and connected through shared experiences and participation, this sense of belonging is strengthened.
"Being heard and having our opinions and concerns addressed" Smithfield Plains
"Being asked to be involved in discussions affecting the community" Elizabeth North
"I love how we are included in decisions in this area. Our options & needs are listened to. We are booming & it's gr8 for Playford" Munno Para West
Contact our friendly staff member
Roxanne if you have any questions
Phone: 8256 0333