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Consultation open from Monday 13 January 2025 to 5pm Monday 10 February 2025
Having places to connect, play sport and socialise is essential to building a strong, vibrant community.
As Playford continues to grow rapidly, there is an increasing demand for Council to provide more of these places across our city, so our community can get outdoors, be active and build connections.
Riverlea Park, located in our city’s west is being developed by Walker Corporation and is expected to be home to 40,000 people. These members of our community will want and deserve access to sport and recreation.
Council’s Sports Facility Strategy has highlighted that the Riverlea Park will require access to at least two district and one regional sports facilities into the future to support our growing population.
One of the ways that the strategy proposes to best achieve this, is for Council to build strategic partnerships with education providers, developers, and other key stakeholders. These partnerships aim to deliver shared-use facilities that provide the entire community with quality recreational spaces, while ensuring timely delivery and financially sustainable outcomes for our community.
Council has the opportunity to partner with Walker Corporation and Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) to develop a shared-use recreation and community facility, co-located with educational services, in a future stage of Riverlea Park.
Council is proposing to consider including these parcels of community land, within the Sportsground Community Land Management Plan and to potentially enter into a Shared Use Agreement with Catholic Education South Australia. This will allow for shared use of the recreational facilities, shared costs of maintenance and community access to the schools indoor and outdoor recreation facilities to maximise uses of the site and benefit to the community.
The Shared Use Agreement is applicable to a portion of Council land with the balance of the land retained for exclusive use by the community. The community will also gain access to the school indoor and outdoor recreation facilities.
The key principles of the Shared Use Agreement include:
Why are we proposing to enter a Shared Use Agreement?
A Shared Use Agreement provides a cost effective way for Council to develop and maintain the sporting infrastructure the community requires. This particular agreement will facilitate the community having access to the schools indoor and outdoor recreation facilities without having to pay to build this infrastructure. This Shared Use Agreement is only applicable over a portion of the whole Riverlea Park District Sportsground therefore not all the community land will have a Shared Use Agreement over it.
The Shared Use Agreement is proposed for 42 years. A school campus is a significant investment and a long-term agreement is required to deliver the provision of recreational space that aligns to the school and community needs. This is the maximum time that Council can enter into an agreement in accordance with the Local Government Act 1991.
Before we make any decisions on the draft Sportsgrounds Community Land Management Plan and proposed Shared Use Agreement, we are consulting the public to ensure community input is considered. We are specifically conducting public consultation on:
The addition of a district level sportsground in Riverlea to the Sportsgrounds Community Land Management Plan (portions of land contained in Allotment 9010 Legoe Road, Riverlea Park in Certificate of Title Volume 6288 Folio 348 and Allotment 9140 Legoe Road, Riverlea Park in Certificate of Title Volume 6305 Folio 47) (refer to reference map in the document).
To enter a non-exclusive Shared Use Agreement with Catholic Education South Australia for a term intended to be forty-two (42) years.
The below image provides an indication of the location of the land, subject to survey. Refer to the document library and image gallery on this page for further information including a high-level draft concept plan on the facility which is subject to change.
Submit your feedback online, in person, by email, or by mail:
For questions, contact us at 📞 8256 0333 or email