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Community Consultation Now Closed
A What We Heard Report is now available inthe 'Project Document Library' section of this page.
Consultation is open from Wednesday 15 November to 12 December 2023.
In the digital age, our community relies on dependable connectivity and phone reception to carry out their daily lives. Mobile phone towers are spread across our city, and they work to provide this coverage to our residents and visitors alike.
We’re consulting our community about a proposal to extend a community land lease to Amplitel (partnership with Telstra) for a duration of 20 years.
This extension aims to guarantee long-term phone coverage for the areas of Elizabeth Downs, Smithfield Plains, and Craigmore.
The three telecommunications (mobile phone towers) are located on the below community land locations since 2004.
Elizabeth Downs, corner of Midway Road and Main North Road
Smithfield Plains off Davoren Road
Craigmore, Uley Road
You can view aeriel photos of their exact locations to the right of this page in the Image Gallery.
Compliance certificates for each site can be viewed in the document library.
As per Council's requirements in Community Land management in the Local Government Act 1999 we are consulting our community.
Should you have questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us at or contact our friendly Council Contact Team on 8256 0333.