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A What We Heard Report is now available from the document library on the right. This report outlines the engagement process undertaken and feedback received, including responses to key issues raised by the community (refer Section 6 pages 16-19).
The new park site is an undeveloped portion of land next to a sports precinct immediately to the north and is bordered by mature trees.
Although there are two large sportsgrounds immediately to the north of the site, there are almost no facilities for unstructured recreation in the area (aside from one small playspace located between the athetics oval and Mofflin Road off-street car park). This development will provide a space that encourages physical activity for people of different ages and abilities as well as providing quiet space for rest and recuperation.
Research has demonstrated a clear link between being in open spaces and positive physical and mental health outcomes. The Mofflin Health and Wellness Reserve will complement the nearby health services by providing space to walk, sit, develop social connections, be active and simply spend time in open space. It will service people working in the area, people visiting the nearby health and retail services, local residents and the wider community.
The upgrade of this reserve includes: