Peerless Road Reserve, Munno Para West

Project Overview

We know open space is important and we are excited to share that a new park is coming to your neighbourhood.

This time last year we shared news that Council had secured land on the corner of Peerless and Tatura Road.

Since then, we have prepared a concept plan for you and would love your feedback.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback!

A What We Heard Report is now available from the document library on the right. This report outlines the engagement process undertaken and feedback received, including responses to key issues raised by the community. 

Consultation is now closed

Thank you to everyone who shared their views!

A What We Heard Report is being put together with all your wonderful feedback ready to be reviewed. 

Share your views on the Peerless Road Reserve Concept Design

The plan includes play equipment for all abilities and ages, adventure obstacle course, nature play and park amenities such as BBQs, seating, drinking fountain, carparking and toilets so visitors can stay a little longer.

Surrounding the playspace will be green garden beds offering natural boundaries to the park and the existing trees will be retained providing additional natural shade.

The proposed design of this reserve includes: 

We would love to hear what you think about your new park!

You can provide your feedback in a number of ways:

Complete the online survey to the right and/or leave a comment on the interactive map below.


Print the hard copy survey and post:

Att: Peerless Road Reserve Upgrade

12 Bishopstone Road, Davoren Park, SA, 5113

Call us: 8256 0333

Interactive Documents

  • Peerless Road Concept Plan

    Click on the concept plan to leave a comment about which features are most important to you and why? Note: you need to register with Engagement Hub to leave a comment alternatively you can go directly to the survey without registering.

    Participate Now