Fremont Park: Eastern upgrade concept

Project Overview

We recently engaged with our community about a new concept design for the eastern end of Fremont Park. This part of the park has limited facilities and lacks green spaces and vegetation, making it underutilised.

The concept will complement the playspace and creek upgrades undertaken in recent years and help make the whole of Fremont Park feel welcoming and safe for the community.

Feedback from our community has led to some updates to the concept plan. A report summarising the feedback received and the updated concept plan can be found in the Document Library section to the right.

Council has now applied for external funding to assist with delivering this upgrade. We are currently awaiting feedback regarding whether we have been successful in securing that funding.

Fremont Park is the City of Playford’s premier park and hosts many of our civic events such as Australia Day celebrations and community carols.  It is a much loved park by residents and visitors alike. The eastern end of the park has limited facilities and lacks green spaces and vegetation, making it underutilised. A concept has been prepared for an upgrade of this section of the park.  This will complement the playspace and creek upgrades undertaken in recent years and help make the whole of Fremont Park feel welcoming and safe for the community.

The City of Playford is seeking external funding to help pay for the upgrade. Timing of construction will depend on the success in gaining this funding. If successful, we hope to start construction within the next 1-2 financial years. 

Concept design features:

  • A large and small dog park: dog parks are a much valued community space where your four-legged friend can exercise and socialise.  The dog park will include sheltered seating and lighting for evening use.
  • A new off-street car park: this will incorporate disability car parking and will service the new dog park and provide extra parking during events.  
  • Native plantings: native plantings will lift the appearance of this part of the park and improve local biodiversity.
  • New infrastructure and amentities: paths, seating, lighting and drinking fountains will support the many walkers who use the park.
  • Expanded events lawn: partial removal of the existing mound and expansion of the irrigated grassed area will improve the events space. 
  • New gazebo: will be located at the edge of the events space to make the events space more user-friendly.  
  • Tree planting: as many healthy trees as possible will be retained and many more new trees will be planted. Installation of irrigation will help existing and new trees to flourish.
  • Ifould Road car parking: spaces will be linemarked to formalise on-street car parking.
  • Wayfinding signage: new wayfinding signage will be installed throughout the park.